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Wild (FREE) Webinar
[Thursday 26th January - Online on Zoom - 19:45]

This webinar is for anyone who might feel a little uncomfortable in our current overall human relationship with our world (who might be wondering if there's a better way of coexisting in harmony with the rest of the planet) and who might be curious about some wild ideas (just to get us started) to survive and thrive as part of our incredible, miraculous planet.


This 1 hour webinar is a brief starting point to living a little more wildly.  You will leave with lots of fresh ideas that you can put to good use and an idea of the other FREE WW resources (as well as any paid services/products) that you can access to live even more wildly.


In this 1 hour Wild Webinar we will be discussing:





Starting from scratch: we will chat about 'living wildly' (without sacrifice).  We'll start off our webinar making sure that we all understand what 'nature' and 'wild' really means and examining our human position within our world.


We'll be chatting about existing & coexisting with all other beings (humans and all other species) AND examples of wilder relationships that we can have.




We all deserve to have all that we most want from our homes, whether we're a home owner or a homer renter (to benefit ourselves and our loved ones) so we will be chatting about how we can have everything we simply MUST have, in as planet friendly a way as possible...


- Our home interiors can be a kaleidoscope of colour.

- We can rejoice in the freedom of our expression.

- Our homes are just a boundary: a space in which to feel safe. They are NOT a space in which to detach from the world and disconnect from the comfort of interconnection with other species.

- We can treat other creatures kindly.

- We can live together as much as possible.

- We can only purchase (to use in the home) planet friendly products (I will be offering a list of ideas of what you can purchase or even forage for, from food to cosmetics to cleaning products).

- We can open the windows: our homes keep us safe but we are part of our world (interconnected with all other beings) and blocking ourselves off too much does great harm to ourselves.




We'll be chatting about what a 'Happiness Hub' is, how it can be manifested and we'll be going through some helpful questions, for you to start thinking about how your exterior spaces can serve both your own desires and local wildlife...


A. What do I really want from this space, to benefit myself/my family/my pets?
B. Are there any spaces that I/we can give up to other species, for them to use?
C. Is there a way to collaborate with other species in these spaces?
Eg. Can I install Bird & Bat Bricks / Hedgehog Highways / Letting trees grow / Putting fresh water out every day & night / Letting plants self seed themselves and claim bits of territory for themselves?
D. What boundaries do I need to put in place? (Eg. I’d like to have wildlife only use the bottom of my garden and I’d like to keep the grass short near the house, to sunbathe on).


Thank you, you'll receive the zoom link 48hrs in advance and a reminder on the day.


Which Wildscaping Service? [I will ask which date you'd like to attend in my response & book you straight in.]

Thank you, I will reply ASAP, Alana.

Thank you!

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