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“Driven doesn’t even begin to describe Alana and her cause. Her motivation and determination to put good into the world is as infectious as it is wild. And I think the world needs a little more wild, which is exactly what Alana is trying to build, encourage and reconnect people with.

It is a valiant cause pure of heart, but with the bones to hold it up and the spirit to push it forward. Making the world a better place for all, big or small.”




“Alana is super engaged, passionate and committed to bring people together in their common love for nature and the wild.”




"Alana is an important figure in the wildlife community and her knowledge is invaluable.


Her capacity to integrate humanity and other wild lives - into a more harmonious existence - is unmatched and she has become a recognised figurehead in enabling wildlife to be supported first and foremost by the environment/local habitat: preventing them requiring emergency care."




“I first met Alana at the start of CPP, she gave me some really practical helpful advice and connected me to some people in her network who could advise on my journey with CPP. 


Alana is the most selfless, hardworking, driven, compassionate and empathetic lady.  She always strives to help others, her heart is definitely with animals and the planet.


Alana is always looking at different ways to get people involved to help our environment to make the world a beautiful better place. 


Thank you Alana for all you do.”



"I would like to take this opportunity to show my appreciation for all of the hard work and effort Alana has put into making our Wildscaping project the amazing success and beautiful realization of the dream of my church leader Mother Cherry Sandover and our congregation as a whole.


Her tireless efforts in sourcing the right products and provisions. Her professionalism and ingenuity cannot be underestimated or underappreciated.  She really listened to the dream and then created it, always approachable and adaptable she went along with our ideas and offered some of her own that only helped to make the project more viable and give it longevity and a more realistic achievable project.

Her understanding and investigation of the area - its habitats, the earth that the plants growing in it would be, her understanding of the native species and cohabitation of the animals we hoped to encourage - was exceptional and her dedication unquestionable.  


Her gentle treatment of a common pigeon to the childlike innocent wonder of the smells of different plants really helped drive the project along and encourage us lesser horticulturalists to do our bit.  She is a veritable whirlwind of sustainability and a true believer in the environment as a whole.  That being said she is always eager to learn off others and surrounds herself with some of the most amazing people with their own knowledge base like Alex, whose knowledge of flora and fauna is awe inspiring in its simplicity and deep understanding - his pure passion for the whole of nature is humbling.

I can honestly say that every day that I see the gardens and remember the work that went into making them so beautiful it makes my soul smile and my heart lift – I am filled with pride and happiness.  I would do it over and over again just to revisit the feeling and I am no natural gardener.

Alana is a person to work with:

Always positive – a real go getter.  A true ecological environmentalistic campaigner.  Her insight and honest enthusiasm created a never say die attitude within us all.  We are a small church with limited funds but through Alana’s unexhaustable positivism and her thorough research and goal lead objectivism we were able to source funds from unexpected sources.

She never lets anything get in the way of the ultimate goal of protecting the animals and creating a better world.  She leads by example and is not afraid to get hands on with the physical work as well as the paperwork and promotional side.  Her enthusiasm is abundant and her ability to think outside of the box is extraordinary.  She would stop and talk to everyone that passed about the project and encouraged people from builders and tradesman to give of their time and experience to the project for lower rates just because of her enthusiasm for the ultimate goal.  She attracts the right people to her, she is extremely professional and lets nothing and no-one who is unprofessional or negative in manner affect or undermine projects that she is involved with.

Although she was living so far away she felt closer to the project than a neighbour would.  She was always in contact with new and innovative ideas and updates.  Full of suggestions: all of which she would try and put into practice and if they did not work that was through no fault of her own. 

I would undoubtedly recommend her services to anyone wishing to complete a similar project and we are more than happy to give any further recommendation in relation to our project to assist in any of her future projects.  If you have Alana on your team you are sure to succeed because if she really believes in you she will do all she can to make it happen.  She is a real trooper and an honest and reliable human being – her honest love for the planet is plain to see and it was an honour to work with her.

Finally I would like to say that I have made a friend for life I hope and I wish her well in all that she does as I know that she does it with the purest of intentions and I will give you this final insight into her as a person:

“...Obviously, I am really hoping that you are happy with my wildscaping work.  I just get very shy about asking for testimonials, haha!  The more people can trust me, the more I can help humans to live alongside wildlife, which is so important (and so exciting, when it happens!)…”


That is honestly Alana and what more could you want from a project manager..."



“Alana’s steel determination gives me so much hope for the future. We need more humans like her to help us all thrive and reconnect.”




“Alana puts her heart and soul into everything she does, true passion and love for all of nature and taking care of our fragile planet. You can’t help but want to join her on this amazing journey.”



"During 2021 and 2022 Alana carried out wildscaping consultancy work for Alsager Urban Wildlife Initiative and subsequently Alsager Town Council, resulting in the town council now planning to move forwards with various recommendations of Alana’s to improve our town centre environment.


Even in the early Zoom meetings her enthusiasm was infectious and her knowledge of the issues was very impressive. She was very happy to spend time with us at the Wildlife Initiative as we dug down into which actions could feasibly be taken to the town council, and once fellow councillors were on board Alana came to meet with us and do a comprehensive walk-through of sites, where her encyclopaedic knowledge of wildscaping really brought people on board. 


I’m delighted that we’re now at the stage where we can turn some of her ideas into reality, and we can’t thank Alana enough for her time and expertise thus far.


I’d recommend Alana to councils of any size, from parishes through to cities, who are serious about taking steps to improve their local environment for the benefit of nature."



"My session with Alana really opened my eyes to the amount of changes both small and larger I can make to improve my environment for the local wildlife.  I've already switched some of the products I use and am looking at changing the energy sources particularly in my home office to ones I wasn't aware of previously.  I've also noticed the impact of changes I made to the garden already with more birds in particular visiting now.  Overall the session was very comprehensive, informative and most of all practical for me to implement."




“In our greatest time of disconnection from ourselves, each other and  our environment, Alana’s lived experience of the healing potential of living more wildly is vital.  Her naturalness, energy and enthusiasm re-engages us with what matters, greater connection and our aliveness.”




"Alana's passion on the subject of wildscaping, nature, animals, the planet etc. really draws you in to want to know more.  She is very knowledgeable with her experience and research, being able to tell you about real life examples, which really helps to bring it to life for the listener.


Her ideas and suggestions of how to change our ways and habits from the small instantly doable actions to the larger may take a little time but will be worth it, the actions are really well thought out and you do feel that it is possible to do something.

It's great that Alana is getting out there and offering this much needed service to support people to become aware of the possibilities and opportunities for us to live more harmoniously with the planet and all we share it with.  Thanks Alana, happily recommend everyone to have one of your sessions."



“I came into contact with Alana when I was reaching out to contacts to try and find a home for 3 pigs who were going to slaughter within days due to the owner having to get rid of them because of complaints from the council.


Alana was immediately on the case and found out there was also a llama and poultry needing homes!  Local charities had tried their best but it took a young woman 300 miles away to get it sorted.  Alana tracked down the owner to have them signed over to her, she negotiated with the auction house to have the animals released before auction, she liaised direct with the council to advise of the change, sorted out the paper work and fundraised for transport for the animals to move together to a rescue nearly 400 miles away.


Alana wasn't a charity with years of experience saving animals in need back then, yet she did it with no hesitation nor a grumble when she was still ringing round rescues at nearly midnight to find them a home!


She did all this within 5 working days!  Put her own life and work on hold to help those animals start a new life.  Alana is tenacious and a force - a one women army working for change and a kinder world!  Alana does the things us mere mortals dream we would be brave enough to do!”



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